Johanneberg Science Park (Gothenburg, Sweden)

A Working Lab

A Working Lab (AWL) in Gothenburg is a 11,700 m2 building located at the intersection of academia and industry in the Johanneberg Science Park right next to the Chalmers campus in Gothenburg, Sweden.


Exploring Modern Co-Working Spaces with Digital Twins

AWL is an innovation arena that explores the use of modern co-working spaces and also accommodates more traditional offices, conference rooms, and meeting rooms.

Together with Johanneberg Science Park, we have created a Digital Twin of AWL that brings all 3D data and sensor data of the seven-story building into an interactive AR experience running on a standard smartphone (ReSpace Twin). The full model contains close to 70,000 3D objects and close to 1,000 sensors.

Intelligent Streaming

High-definition 3D data as well as real-time and historical sensor data are intelligently streamed from ReSpace Cloud to ReSpace Twin based on the current location of the user, which allows for efficient and seamless streaming of the very large 3D model of AWL (Intelligent Streaming).

Merging AR and VR

The Digital Twin of AWL is also available in VR, which allows users to interact with both the building and other users, whether the users are on-site or working from a remote office.


On behalf of the EU project IRIS and Johanneberg Science Park, ReSpace have developed a Digital Twin with an AR application for the office property A Working Lab on the Chalmers campus. We have used the AR app in many contexts to show how BIM data and sensor data can be visualized and to give visitors and others an insight into the ”inner life” of the building. We see several interesting opportunities to build on functionality and applications for this app.

Björn Westling
Director of SME Relations, Johanneberg Science Park

The original in Swedish

ReSpace har för EU-projektet IRIS’ och Johanneberg Science Parks räkning utvecklat en digital tvilling med en AR-applikation till kontorsfastigheten A Working Lab på Chalmers campus. Vi har använt AR-appen i många sammanhang för att visa hur BIM-data och sensordata kan visualiseras och för att ge besökare och andra en inblick i byggnadens ”inre liv”. Vi ser flera intressanta möjligheter att bygga vidare på funktionalitet och tillämpningar för denna app.